Thursday, 6 December 2012

Recruiting the right person with the right personality for my business

Early next year we are going to be looking for more team members. Yup - we are going to be recruiting. It has been awhile since I completed my Personnel Management course at New College in Durham and the idea of recruitment fills me with fear.

Infact, this is an area of the business that we have put off somewhat as the thought of going through all those fantastic CV's is enough to give me sleepless nights. I hate the idea of interviewing the final 10 people and having to turn down the others down.

How do we get the right person
Can we find someone who can multi-task with the right skill group?
How do we employ a nice person to work with ? 
How do we do it, so that they fit in with our personalities as a growing company ?

This was a constant concern for us, and so many people ticked so many of the right boxes. Until, one particular CV caught our eye. 

They ticked the boxes on paper but they offered us an insight into their personality. I admit, I was nosey at first, but when I read an unbiase assessment of this person - I had to share this process.

The website address is and from our perspective it scores a lot of points giving us that extra insight into someone’s personality. 

And for those of you who are interested, a job offer has been sent out by letter in the post today.

Normal luggage and bag chat will resume tomorrow...

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